
Thursday, 6 December 2018

kuri the dog

What is a kuri? Dog

What countries have the kuri bone in new zealand

Where do ancestors of kuri come from east aja

Why did people bring kuri with them what were they there for hunting and fishing

What were kuri like haunting dogs

What did kuri eat fish and more

Wednesday, 5 December 2018


This is a maori village

She just woke up from sleeping  

She wanted kai

So Ihenga and his kuri went hunting

The kuri and his was looking for food

Kuri and the Ihenga was looking for food and water
The kuri found a kiwi kuri did not know where it was going

The kuri got the kiwi and found a river

the kuri was waiting

The kuri put his mouth in the water and drank some water with some else
The kuri spoilt the eles out

So Ihenga went to Lake rotoiti and got some ika then they came back home
So they went back to the maori village

And they gave food to the queen

So they said that they went to Lake rotoiti  

we are leraning to skim and scan

How do we know what kuri looked like
kuri were small dogs with long hair and poined ears and strong jaws

what did the people use kuri hair for
people often shaved off this hair and used it to make cloaks and kahukuri

why did framers shoot and kill kuri farmers did not like the dogs running around wild

why did kuri disappear
we didn't know what happen to the kuri

middens mean
 people threw away the dogs bone when they finished eating.

Tuesday, 4 December 2018


Polynesian canoe

Image result for polynesian canoe
IALT: Skim and scan to find key information
IALA: Polynesian wayfinders

Skim and scan through this article to solve the following questions.
The words that are bold will help you to skim and scan for the answers.  

Where did the canoe start and complete its journey? three years to journey around the globe.

What did the crew use to navigate? stars, wind and ocean swells as guides.

What does “Malama Honua” mean? meaning “to care for our Island Earth”.

How many crew were there? The boat had a crew of 12 or 13 people at a time

Now read through the full text and summarise what you think the article is about in your own words: